Hello welcome to nucleargames.com! If you just happen to come across this site or purposly come across this site congradulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if there is something you want put on this site copy it and send it to jbmspm@yahoo.com. but leave he subject saying for your web site.(if its not i will probaly delete it) For awsome games go to www.addictinggames.com for longer games go to www.evony.com for an awsome 3D'ish war game go to www.mercenarycamp.com my favorite addictinggame is clear vison 1,2,and 3.                                                                                                  awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

but as you can see this site is kinda empty so please send stuff, games, pics, videos,  anything you think is cool or funny or even lame?

I can't pay you though right now but maybe if this website kicks off (and you stay in touch with me) then i can charge something( if you donate some thing i can put u as FREE!!!!!!!) YOU CAN ALSO JOIN and become a regular. (that means Discount!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I know the name is funny but my brother was playing a game and i was watching a movie about nuclear warfare so thats where i got the name from. but this is kinda like myspace. It has EVERYTHING I CAN FIND on it.

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